How to Clean Secateurs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Written By George Mylne  |  Home & DIY  |  0 Comments

Every gardener needs a good pair of working secateurs. To keep them in good working order, they need to be cleaned ideally after each use. Cleaning them helps maintain them and prevents rust from forming, it also helps prevent the spreading of any diseases amongst your plants that you use them on.

Cleaning your secateurs is a very straightforward process, and you will only need tools and materials that most homes will have. For my full guide on cleaning secateurs, you can watch my below video, or read below for a step-by-step guide.

Why Clean Your Secateurs

A dirty pair of secateurs is more likely to have a blunt blade, rust, and possibly diseases from plants in your garden. Here are the reasons for why you need to clean your secateurs.

Prevent the Spread of Diseases. When used on multiple plants, there is a risk that you could transmit diseases from one plant to another if they have not been cleaned between being used on different plants.

Prevent Rust. Your secateurs will be exposed to water in their general use, which can form rust on the blades if the moisture sits there. Rust will reduce the life span and make the blade more prone to damage.

Maintain Sharpness. If there is a build up of sap, dirt, or plant debris on the blade, this will dull the blade, and make your secateurs less effective at cutting. Cleaning the blade regularly will prevent this from happening.

Extend the Lifespan. A good pair of secateurs could last you a lifetime with the proper care. Correct use with regular cleaning can help prevent damage, ensuring that they will last you a long time.

When to Clean Your Secateurs

To help your secateurs stay sharp, clean, and effective, your secateurs will need regular cleaning and maintenance. Below are some of the ideal times to clean them.

Before Pruning. To prevent spreading any infectious plant disease from one plant to another, clean your secateurs before you use it on another plant.

After Every Use. Cleaning your secateurs after every use will prevent the buildup of sap, dirt and debris that can dull the blade and prevent any rust forming. You can just wipe it down with a damp cloth and dry.

How To Clean Your Secateurs

A Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Your Secateurs

Total Time: 10 minutes

  1. Prepare to Clean Secateurs

    Put a few drops of detergent in a large bowl, then fill it up with water.

  2. Clean Secateurs

    Dip the secateurs in the soapy water, then start scrubbing with a stiff-bristled brush.

    If your secateurs already have rust forming on them, then you will need to use either some steel wool or a fine bristled wire brush to remove it.

  3. Dry Thoroughly

    Throughly dry your secateurs and remove all traces of water. You could let them sit in direct sunlight after this step to allow any remaining water to evaporate away.

  4. Sharpen (optional)

  5. Apply Oil

    To prevent rust forming you will need to coat all of the metal with a thin layer of oil. You can use any type of oil for this including, vegetable oil, olive oil, motor oil, chain and bar oil, etc.

    Open and close the secateurs while you apply the oil so that all of the moving parts get covered in oil.


  • Water
  • Detergent
  • Oil (anytype will be fine)


  • Secateurs
  • Bucket or large bowl
  • Scrubbing brush or rag

Your secateurs are probably the most used tool you use in the garden. Cleaning and maintaining your secateurs is a necessary task that you should do to keep them in good working order, and it will also prevent the spread of diseases in your garden.

If they are not cutting as well as they used to, give your secateurs a sharpen. This will make your life in the garden much easier.

By taking care of your secateurs, you can ensure that they remain sharp and effective for years to come. Remember to store them in a dry place and keep them out of reach of children. With proper care, your secateurs will be a valuable tool for all your gardening needs.

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