Pigface (Carpobrotus) is a very easy plant to propagate. There are three ways you can propagate a pigface plant.
- Seeds
- Air layering
- Stem cutting
Pigface seeds can be harvested from the fruit it produces. Simply pick the fruit and pull it apart, you will see heaps of tiny black seeds (looks very similar to the dragon fruit seeds).
Separate the seeds and plant them into a pot. You will then grow a pigface plant in a couple of weeks.
Air layering
When the pigface plant grows out and puts its runners out, the runners will naturally put down roots every couple of nodes.
Grab a runner and pull it from the ground, cutting it with a clean pair of secateurs before you end up pulling the whole plant out. Then cut the runner up so that each cutting has some roots on it, then replant into some sandy soil and water frequently until established.
Stem cuttings
In this blog, I’m going to go over how I propagated a pigface plant using the cutting method which is a really easy way to multiple your plant. Read on below to learn more.
Related posts: How to Grow Pigface: The Complete Guide.

How to propagate pigface (Carpobrotus) with cuttings
Approximately 14 days
Get your cutting
Take a cutting from the mother pigface plant. You can either just use your hands to break it off or use a pair of secateurs to cut it.
Prepare the cuttings to be potted
If you wish you can cut your single cutting up to get more pigface plants rooted. Just cut below a leaf node to increase your chances of rooting success.
Pot cuttings into the potting mix
Fill up a pot with some good draining potting mix. The create a hole and poke the end of the cutting in (0.5 to 1 inch / 1 to 2 centimetres deep).
Water the cuttings
Give the cuttings their first really deep watering.
You will need to water the cuttings at least every 1 to 2 days depending on the climate of where you are.
Until the roots start to develop there is a risk of the cuttings drying out. But as the pigface plant is such a hardy drought tolerant plant that the cuttings can handle not being watered frequently.
Place cuttings out of direct light
Once watered, place the pot with your cutting somewhere that it won’t receive direct sunlight for more than a couple of hours a day.
I placed mine by the side of a planter so it wouldn’t get any direct sunlight at all.
Root development
After 2 weeks (14 days), you should start to see the pigface plants starting to grow, this is the best sign that the cuttings have roots.
Once the plants have roots your can plant them anywhere you like in your garden. Pigface plants do enjoy direct sunlight or with only partial shade.
- Secateurs
Materials: Plastic grow pot Good draining potting mix
Can you propagate pigface plant from a cutting?
Yes, you can propagate pigface plants from just cuttings. Your cuttings should have roots growing in less than two weeks in ideal growing conditions.
How do you propagate a pigface plant?
You can propagate a pigface plant by three different methods:
(1) By seeds from the fruit
(2) By air layering technique
(3) By cutting
Read my blog above for information on all three propagation techniques.
How long does it take pigface cuttings to grow roots?
Pigface cuttings can grow roots in less than two weeks in ideal growing conditions.
Can you propagate pigface plants in water?
Yes, pigface plants will grow roots when placed in a cup of water.
When is the best time to plant pigface plants?
The best time of year to plant pigface plants is from spring to summer.
How often should you water your pigface cutting?
You should water your pigface cutting every 1 – 2 days. Once it starts to show signs that it is growing and becoming more self-sufficient, then you can reduce the watering.
Final thoughts
I hope this guide on propagating the pigface plant was helpful to you. They are a beautiful plant and have many great applications including covering rocky sloped surfaces and erosion protection.