Propagating a Coral Cactus Plant (Euphorbia Lactea) is very easy to do in 6 steps:
- Prepare your cutting by letting the end of it callus over for 3 – 7 days.
- Prepare your equipment/materials (pot, soil, and optional decorative pot)
- Fill the pot with potting mix (optional: place shade cloth in the bottom)
- Insert the cutting into the potting mix.
- Water the cutting and soak the pot using the bottom watering method.
- Position fresh cutting somewhere out of the sun until there is root growth.
As far as low maintenance plants go, the Coral Cactus Plant (Euphorbia Lactea) is a very easy succulent to look after, that doesn’t require much attention and care.
With an unusual appearance, this plant will spice up your plant display.
Before you start
It is important that before you pot the coral cactus plant (Euphorbia Lactea) cutting, you place the cutting out of direct sunlight and let it sit there for 3 – 7 days. This will let the end of the cutting dry out and reduce the chance of the cutting rotting, and increase the chance of the cutting successfully rooting.
When getting your cutting make sure the knife or secateurs you use are sharp and clean.

How to Propagate Coral Cactus Plant (Euphorbia Lactea)
Potting cutting 5 minutes
Prepare for propagation
Firstly prepare all you need to pot the coral cactus plant cutting. You will need
(1) A plastic grow pot
(2) Some cactus potting mix,
(3) A pot to place the grow pot inside of (optional) -
Fill the pot with potting mix
Fill the plastic grow pot up with the cactus potting mix.
Optional: I put in a little square of shade cloth at the bottom of the pot to stop the fine potting mix from falling through.
Pot the cutting
Using your finger or stick make a home that is approximately 1cm/0.5″ deep. Then push the cutting into the hole, and firm up the potting mix around the cutting.
Tip: Make sure the soil is all firmed up. It will be easier to top it up with more potting mix now if it requires it. -
Water the cutting
I pot the grow pot inside the decorative pot and fill it up with water until it is around half full. The reason I do that is so that all of the potting mix gets soaked.
After several minutes take the grow pot out and let the water all drain out.
Position cutting somewhere suitable
Return the grow pot back to the decorative pot once the excess water has drained away.
Position the pot somewhere the cutting won’t get direct sunlight, for more than 1-2 hours each day, but will also get ambient sunlight for most of the day.
Water the cutting once every week or if and as when required.
Materials: Cactus potting mix Plastic pot Display pot (optional)
How do you cut coral cactus plant (Euphorbia Lactea)?
You can either snap an end of the coral cactus off by just using your fingers, or you can use a sharp tool like a knife or a pair of secateurs to cut off a cutting.
How often should you water a coral cactus plant (Euphorbia Lactea) cutting
The short answer is it depends. If you have a regular climate that isn’t too hot then you will only need to do it once a week.
If it is extremely hot then you may have to do it more regularly, check the moisture of the potting mix before water though so you don’t overwater.
How to propagate coral cactus plant (Euphorbia Lactea)
Follow the 5 steps in my blog post above and you will have a happy coral cactus in no time.
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