Blue chalk stick cuttings can be rooted in either water or soil.
To propagate blue chalk sticks in water the steps are:
- Get a cutting.
- Place cutting in water for several weeks.
- Once roots begin to grow transfer to a pot or leave in the water.
To propagate blue chalk sticks in potting mix (soil) the steps are:
- Get a cutting.
- Let the cutting sit in indirect light for 3-7 days so that the end of the cutting can callous over (reducing the risk of rot).
- Once the end of the cutting has calloused over place the blue chalk stick cutting in some good draining potting mix. Place the pot out of direct sunlight until place is established.
- Water straight away, then water the cutting weekly or more frequently if the soil drys out quickly.
For more detailed steps please read below.
Propagating Blue Chalk Sticks In Water
Blue chalk sticks can grow roots when submerged in water. To root a blue chalk stick cutting in water simply follow these 3 steps.
1. Get Cutting From Another Plant
Using a sharp and clean pair of secateurs or a utility knife, get a cutting that is at least 4 inches long. If your cutting is too short there is a chance that the cutting will fail to root.

2. Place Cutting In Water
You don’t need to wait any length of time from when you took the cutting to when you place it in water. The sooner you put it in water the sooner it will start to grow roots.
If it takes you a couple of days to get around to putting it in water then that is ok as well.

Be sure to refresh the water in the cup weekly.
3. Blue Chalk Stick Root Growth In Water
After 3 weeks this is how my blue chalk stick succulent plants root growth was.

Propagating Blue Chalk Sticks In Soil
Follow these steps to propagate a blue chalk stick succulent cutting in soil.
1. Get Blue Chalk Stick Cutting
Using a sharp and clean pair of secateurs or a utility knife, get a cutting that is at least 4 inches long. If your cutting is too short there is a chance that the cutting will fail to root.
2. Let Cutting Sit For 3-7 Days
Before potting the blue chalk stick cutting, the end of the cutting will need to callous over to prevent the chance of rot. Let the cutting sit out of direct sunlight for 3-7 days.
3. Pot The Cutting
Once the end of the cutting has dried out, you can now put the cutting in a pot with some good draining potting mix.
4. Watering The Cutting
Place the cutting out of direct sunlight and water the pot about once per week. A good guide for when to water the cutting is to first check the top inch of the potting mix, if it is dry then you can water the cutting.
5. Root Growth
Here is a photo of my blue chalk stick cuttings root growth after three weeks.

Final Thoughts
If you need help and advice on caring for your blue chalk sticks you can read about them in our care guide.
Good luck.