How to Replace Trimmer Line Bump Feed (Ryobi Weed Wacker)

Written By George Mylne  |  Home & DIY  |  0 Comments

Replacing the trimmer line (or cord) in a Ryobi weed wacker (whipper snipper) is easy to do, and all you need is the replacement line, and nothing else.

  1. Line up the arrows on the head of the line trimmer.
  2. Cut the line trimmer (whipper snipper cord) to the desired length.
  3. Feed the line through the head.
  4. Even up the line on either side of the bump head of the line trimmer.
  5. Spin the bump head to wrap the line up inside of the head.
  6. You are now good to tend to your grass.

For more detailed steps, watch my video below or read the below steps.

How to replace the line trimmer in a Ryobi weed wacker (whipper snipper)

  1. Line up the arrows on the bump feed

    When the arrows are all lined up on the bump feed, this will allow you to be able to feed the line trimmer from one end to the other end of the bump feed.

    If you look through one end when the arrows are lined up, you should be able to see through to the other side.

  2. Cut off some whipper snipper cord

    Unwind the whipper snipper cord and cut off a single length of at least 2 to 3 feet minimum.

    You will need to refer to the manual for how much cord can fit in your specific line trimmer. I am not sure how much my Ryobi line trimmer can actually take.

  3. Feed the line through the bump head

    The whipper snipper cord will have a natural bend in it. I find it easier to feed it through the hole if I have it pointing downward, as shown in the above picture.

    Feed the line through until it comes out the other end of the bump head.

  4. Even up the sides

    Pull the whipper snipper cord through so that it is even length on either side of the bump feed head.

    This is so the cord wraps up evenly and comes out evenly until the end.

  5. Wrap the line up

    While holding the head of the line trimmer in one hand, spin the knob at the end of the to wrap up the line inside of the bump feed head.

  6. Finished

    You are now ready to use your line trimmer in your garden to tidy up your grass and knock down any loose weeds.


  • Whipper snipper cord


  • Weed wacker with a bump head feed

What diameter whipper snipper cord (line trimmer cord) do Ryobi line trimmers take?

2mm diameter trimming line.

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