Moth Orchids are probably the most popular orchid that you will notice everywhere. People think of them as only a flower and not an actual plant. Follow these steps to keep your Moth Orchid blooming year after year.

How To Look After A Moth Orchid
Use A Clear Pot
Moth Orchids need a clear pot as they photosynthesise through their roots (i.e. their roots are green). If you want you can have a ceramic pot when they are flowering, but afterwards they will need a clear pot.
For ease, I just keep mine in the clear pot that the orchid comes in. These pots supplied have great drainage which is important for a healthy orchid. I then put it in another clear pot which doesn’t have any holes and will catch all the water when I water the orchid.
Replace The Medium It Came With
By the time you have received your orchid, it has probably been sitting in its pot for some time, and the sphagnum moss & bark which came with the orchid may be rotten which will kill the roots of the orchid inside the pot.
To help your orchid live a long life do the following:
(1) Carefully remove the orchid from the pot (don’t pull up, but lie it on its side and pull it) and gently clear the roots of any old medium. If any of the roots are already rotting (black, detached and unhealthy looking), cut them off.
(2) Clean the pot and spray down the orchid before putting it back in the pot.
(3) Place the new medium in the bottom of the pot and put the orchid on top of it. Then place the medium around the orchid and pack tight to make sure that the orchid won’t fall over.Tip: Make sure you leave any aerial roots above the potting medium.
(4) Place a stake in the pot to help support the orchid’s flower, you can use a clip to hold it only the stake.
Watering Your Moth Orchid
Orchids like to be moist, but not wet. The amount and frequency you water your orchid will depend on the season (in summer you will need to water more).
Ensure your pot has good draining and remove any excess water once all of the water has had time to drain through.
Fertilizing Your Moth Orchid
Your orchid will need a good quality fertiliser to keep it healthy. There is a range of orchid specific fertilisers that are available from most garden centres, this is what I use.
This is available from Bunnings, there would be similar products from any nursery that sells orchids probably.
What Do I Do Once The Moth Orchids Flower Falls Off
Once the flower petals start to fall off, cut the stem of the orchid down to about 5cm in length.
Hopefully, your plant will recover quickly and flower again in the near future.
- Orchid fertilizer
- Orchid flower & pot
- Water
Final Thoughts
Having a green thumb can be easy. Follow these steps and you should have a healthy orchid.
Source: The tips in this guide are credited to the Orchid Den, who provided me with the information on how to look after my Moth Orchid.